“Witch, he's not coming back," the demon Rydstrom told Mari. "Don't waste your time waiting for him."Cade asked Mari, "What did you do to the Lykae anyway?"She absently murmured, "I've killed him."Mari glanced away from the entrance when met with silence. "He won't regenerate from injuries," she explained. "Unless he returns to me to have it reversed, the hex will eventually destroy him."Tierney, who looked to be Tera's younger brother, said, "You made him mortal?"They all seemed shocked at her viciousness, except for Cade, who as far as she could tell from his demonic countenance, appeared admiring. "Remind me not to piss you off, witch," he said.”

Kresley Cole

Kresley Cole - “Witch, he's not coming back," the demon...” 1

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