“Coming back for Comic-Con. Now that the seal has been broken and we all know each other as in know each other, expect you and Chace to meet me there,” Benji told me and my mind filled with thoughts of Chace at a Comic-Con.Because it did, I burst out laughing.Chace’s eyes came right to me and seeing the look on his face, openly happy, I sighed again but this time on the inside.I grinned at him but murmured, “I’m not sure that’ll ever happen.”“I am,” Ally replied and I tore my eyes away from my husband…My husband.I looked to her. “No way.”Ally looked to me. “That man would do anything for you. Even commune with a bunch of geeks.”Well, I figured she would know. Since she had one like mine.I grinned at her.”

Kristen Ashley

Kristen Ashley - “Coming back for Comic-Con. Now that...” 1

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