“Brigan spun around to face the man, swearing with as much as exasperation and fury as Fire had ever heard anyone swear. The man scuttled away in alarm.”
“...the voice was indisputable. It continued to swear with that breadth and variety that distinguishes the swearing of a cultivated man.”
“Benny gave her an admiring look. He had never heard a woman swear so much in such a short time. He thought it sounded delightful.”
“I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow, than a man swear he loves me.”
“By my soul I swear, there is no power in the tongue of man to alter me.”
“I swear it by earth and water,"said the boy in green."I swear it by bronze and iron," his sister said."We swear it by ice and fire," they finished it together.Bran groped for words. Was he supposed to swear something back to them.--"May your winters be short and your summers bountiful,"he said.”