“Angie: "How do I pitch these ideas to her?"Mira: "From a distance, preferably wearing body armor.”
“Mira shrugged. If Rachel thought long-distance romance was weird, she'd think the truth - a fake long-distance romance, complete with eight months' worth of love letters that Mira had written to cover her tracks - was a whole lot weirder.”
“You don't like Blue, do you?""No," Mira said, caught off guard by the change of subject."I was worried he was doing his knight-in-tarnished-armor thing and it was winning you over.”
“Love has a shape, but no color. You’re probably wondering, “If it’s transparent, how do you know what shape it is?” Good question. Well, for one thing, I put it together, and for another, I’m currently wearing it like body armor (though to the casual observer, I appear naked).”
“There I lay, wearing dead people as armor against death.”
“Her nudity is her armor. It blinded the drooling fools. They couldn't see anything else while they saw her body.”