“Scum of the Earth as some may be in their daily lives, they can all be saints in emergencies.”
“In every society, the rich are the scum of the earth.”
“The Earth is deep, and right to the heart it's alive. We people only live on the top, like the bugs that live on the scum of the still water near the shore.”
“For the ones who are called saints by human opinion on earth may very well be devils, and their light may very well be darkness”
“You know what I wish? I wish all the scum of the Earth had one throat and I had my hands about it.”
“Art and relligion are not professions: they are not occupations for which men can be paid. The artist and the saint do what they have to do, not to make a living, but in obedience to some mysterious necessity. They do not product to live - they live to produce.”