“Is that all souls are for? For when we die?" "No. They're for living, too.”
“All I can think is that when you torment a person...the soul dies. When the soul dies, I suppose mercy dies, too.”
“But will somebody please tell me what's a person to do when they're too afraid of life to live and too afraid of death to die?”
“when your soul-mate dies, you are cursed to live apart for as long as you live. Yet your love with him/her will last forever, until the end of all.”
“You've been halfway living your life for too long. May was saying that when it's time to die, go ahead and die, and when it's time to live, live. Don't sort-of-maybe live, but live like you're going all out, like you're not afraid.”
“We all of us die, Miss Smallwood,' he interrupted. 'But we don't all of us make our lives count for something. How much better to die saving another soul than to stand safe on shore and do nothing while others perish?”