“The entire hospital seemed to go still, watching and waiting, and what the hell was up with Sin and guys on horses anyway? "Well, who is he?""War."Con stared at her. "War. Just...War. What kind of name is that?" Nope, not jealous at all of muscle-bound handsome guy."Yeah, you know, the original War. Second Horseman of the Apocalypse?"Con nearly swallowed his fucking tongue. Everyone else in the ER scrambled backward. Even Eidolon backed up a step as the guy swung down from the horse. Christ, standing, the guy was damned near seven feet tall."Sin," he said in an impossibly deep voice. He approached her, bent to kiss her cheek, and Con bristled."Big horse," Con ground out. "Compensating much?”

Larissa Ione

Larissa Ione - “The entire hospital seemed to go still...” 1

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