“As a teenager I clearly remember mornings when I was getting ready for school when something would -just still me- and I would lean forward and peer very intensely into the eyes of the girl in that mirror. who is that? I didn't know . I looked into those eyes as if they had the answer to who I am or who I could be." So I would search the depths of those green and blue flecked eyes. Calmly searching the eyes of this stranger as if I thought that if I looked deep enough, or long enough, I would find the answer to why I was even here.I didn't know what I know now. That I could only find out my identity,who I waswhen I stopped looking into my own eyesand instead searched in the eyes of Jesus. Only He could REALLY tell me who I am. Who I can be. Who I will be...”

Laura A. Diaz

Laura A. Diaz - “As a teenager I clearly remember...” 1

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