“Why is it that most things you might willingly do under other circumstances become distasteful when you have no choice?”
“Two people may suffer the same disappointment, one might be saddened, the other understanding.Two people may receive the same insult, one might be hurt, and the other compassionate.Two people may have the same disagreement, one might be angered, the other feel love.How you react to circumstances, people and things, IS A CHOICE, YOUR CHOICE... based on YOUR use of compassion, understanding and love.”
“Do not be afraid of your difficulties.Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.”
“The thing is, you make choices. You do some things and you don't do others and in the end there's not much point in asking what different choices might have gained you, and lost you, unless you have a time machine. You become those choices, you embody them...I'd known I couldn't stay, just as I'd known years before I couldn't be with him, even as I'd gone on pretending I had a choice. I was who I was, and I wanted what I already had.”
“Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more extraordinary because of it.”
“Why do you have to be the same as the others? ...Most of them are stupid.”