“I know your game, you know. You get nasty when you're backed into a corner.”
“You don't know anything about me.""I know you bite your bottom lip when you get nervous. I know you twirl your hair when you're amused. And when you get shy, your smile is lopsided."~Chance”
“You're not getting this back you know. Consider it an asshole tax.”
“You never know what you're getting into when you stick your nose in other people's rubbish.”
“You're my game changer, you know that?”
“You know what's so cool about gaming? The whole collective consciousness thing! Like when you tap into your own knight in shinning armor, you're tapping into all knights in shinning armor. All these archetypes, you know, are we're all of them, and you have to learn to honour and acknowledge them inside you.""Plus, you get to be people you're not.""Um. True. And people you are.”