“As soon as Roland was gone,the cupboard door swung open, banging the back of her leg.Bill popped out,gasping for air loudly as if he'd been holding his breath the whole time."I could wring your neck right now!" he said,his chest heaving."I don't know why you're all out of breath. It's not like you even breathe.""It's for effect! All the trouble I go through to camoflage you here and you go and out yourself to the first guy who walks the through the door."Luce rolled her eyes. "Roland's not going to make a big deal out of seeing me here.He's cool.""Oh,he's so cool," Bill said. "He's so smart. If he's so great,why didn't he tell you what I know about not keeping one's distance from one's past? About getting"-he paused dramatically, widening his stone eyes-"inside?"Now she leaned down toward him. "What are you talking about?"He crossed his arms over his chest and wagged his stone tongue. "I'm not telling.""Bill!" Luce pleaded."Not yet, anyway.First let's see how you do tonight.”

Lauren Kate

Lauren Kate - “As soon as Roland was gone,the cupboard...” 1

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Lauren Kate
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