“I thought I'd never find you," Luce heard her past self say."We will always find each other," Daniel answered, lifting her off the ground and squeezing her closer. "Always.""Hey,you two!" A voice shouted from a doorway in a neighboring building. "Are you coming?"Across the square from the empty lot, a small group of people were being herded into a solid stone building by a guy whose face Luce couldn't make out. That was where Luschka and Daniel were headed. It must have been their plan all along, to take shelter from the bombs together."Yes," Luschka called to the others. She looked at Daniel. "Let's go with them.""No." His voice was curt. Nervous. Luce knew that tone all too well."We'll be safer off the street. Isn't this why we agreed to meet here?"Daniel turned to look back behind them, his eyes sweeping right past the place where Luce was hiding. When the sky lit up with another round of golden-red explosions, Luschka screamed and buried her face in Daniel's chest. So Luce was the only one who saw his expression.Something was weighing on him. Something greater than fear of the bombs.Oh no."Daniil!" A boy near the building was still holding open the door to the shelter. "Luschka! Daniil!"Everyone else was already inside.That was when Daniil spun Luschka around, pulled her ear close to his lips. In her shadowy hiding place, Luce ached to know what he was whispering. If he was saying any of the things Daniel ever told her when she was upset or overwhelmed. She wanted to run to them, to pull Luschka away-but she couldn't. Something deep inside her would not budge.She fixed on Luschka's expression as if her whole life depended on it.Maybe it did.Lsuchka nodded as Daniil spoke, and her face changed from terrified to calm, alost peaceful. She closed her eyes. She nodded one more time. Then she tipped back her head, and a smile spread slowly across her lips.A smile?But why? How? It was almost like she knew what was about to happen?Daniil held her in his arms and dipped her low. He leaned in for another kiss, pressing his lips firmly against hers, running his hands through her hair, then down her sides, across every inch of her.It was so passionate that Luce blushed, so intimate she couldn't breathe, so gorgeous that she couldn't tear her eyes away.Not for a second.Not even when Luschka screamed.And burst into a column of searing white flame.”

Lauren Kate

Lauren Kate - “I thought I'd never find you," Luce heard...” 1

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Lauren Kate
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Lauren Kate
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