“No. Seriously. Speak American and not this ancient and very fucked-up, confusing olden-day Euro crap. Without the confusing woo-woo refrences, explain why the hell you're writing Zoey off.”
“You wanna beer?”Jasper’s brows shot up. “Seriously?”“Fuck no,” Layne replied.”
“I put my own feelings before what was right for you, for us. And I shouldn't have done that. Seriously, I fucked it all up.”
“Wow." Sin said, her high-heeled boots clacking on the floor as she approached. " I didn't expect a party or anything, but I figured you might be able to handle a hi.""I'm serious" , he gritted. "Get out.""Well, you know what ?" She tied her hair up in a knot. "I would, except that you fucking bonded me to you or something, and I need to borrow your dick for a minute.”
“The fuck is your life. Answer it.”