“The first one, we’ll name Blue.”
“Instead of a motorcycle gang, I’m thinking of starting up a unicycle gang. We’ll be hell on wheel. (My first recruit will be a woman named Helen Wiel.)”
“We’ll make plans on sticky notes and we’ll stick to them. We’ll get married, but only after we buy some milk, cereal, and a book of baby names.”
“He had a last name for a first name, and a last name for a last name, but only because it came after his first name (the one that sounds like a last name). Otherwise, his last name would sound like a first name.”
“In the desert the most loved waters, like a lover's name, are carried blue in your hands, enter your throat. One swallows absence.”
“Cerulean left. I wondered if she was from Flower Planet. Blue flowers were rare - one might take a name from that.”