“...how impossible itis to really make a choice, when the best choice of all is an option youcouldn’t even imagine.”
“The true free-will ain't a matter of choosing one of many choices...but of creating variety of options, then deciding the best choice of all.”
“Choices, options, decisions abound. Choose right, take the best option and decide well.”
“What if there is endless free choice and not a single choice is right or wrong? Could every choice be a possibility? What if every option feels good or bad based only on our perception of it? Or if all the 'rules' aren't really rules? What would happen if just being in the moment was an option?”
“There's always, always a choice. My options might really, truly suck, but that doesn't mean there isn't a choice.”
“I thought this pain would leave when I remembered that I had choices. But choices make it worse than ever. Choices don`t help at all, because this new person doesn`t know HOW to make choices. This new person has no skills at all.”