“Come on, give me a shimmy!" Ruby screeched from the couch as she ground out one cigarette and then lit another. "You're fighting a battle of good and evil with your dog pimp! Your only weapon is the shimmy! There is power in the shimmy! Make him fear your shimmy! Now, goddamnit, show me your war shimmy!”
“You cannot make your shimmy shake on tea”
“Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance and shimmy, and you've got an audience!”
“Jade opened her mouth - assumedly to shoot off another snipe - but froze. Arms flailing, she gave a small shimmy and squealed, "Notabunny. Notabunny!”
“Luca knows we're following him." His voice, soft and deep, seemed to roll right through to my bones. "We don't have time for you to shimmy up and down drainpipes like you usually do."My coat dropped in a heap on the floor, and I suddenly felt able to breathe without the hot, sticky weight of the leather clinging to me. Maybe we didn't have time to . . . ."Did you say shimmy?"He nodded."I never shimmy. I climb.""Then you and I have different views on what climbing is.”
“It's August, which means Congress is on recess and Mitch McConnell has shimmied back into the ocean to seek a mate.”