“Time is up for my little caravan kingdom. It's time for a window that does not look into concrete.”
“Looks like it's time to liven up this dead little town!" - Saint Dane (The Reality Bug)”
“To men who think prayer their main business and devote time to it according to this high estimate of its importance does God commit the keys of His kingdom, and by them does He work His spiritual wonders in this world”
“I look out the window and I see the lights and the skyline and the people on the street rushing around looking for action, love, and the world's greatest chocolate chip cookie, and my heart does a little dance.”
“Autunm eats its leaf out of my hand: we are friends.From the nuts we shell time and we teach it to walk:then time returns to the shell.In the mirror it's Sunday,in dream there is room for sleeping,our mouths speak the truth.My eye moves down to the sex of my loved one:we look at each other,we exchange dark words,we love each other like poppy and recollection,we sleep like wine in the conches,like the sea in the moon's blood ray.We stand by the window embracing, and people look up fromthe street:it is time they knew!It is time the stone made an effort to flower,time unrest had a beating heart.It is time it were time.It is time.”
“I don't know if I've ever really touched him. Maybe once or twice when passing papers back. You know, even shorter, his hair looks so soft. Maybe it's time I rub it a little. So I can give more concrete details.I stretch my hand across my desk, but stop when I realize the horror of what I was about to do. Pet Sean. Have I lost my mind?”