“Fine. If you insist.I'll try Just.One.Nibble. But--I won't enjoy it.”
“And Mary, what of other men? There are no other men because my heart has gone out to you. And if you don't laugh I'll tell you what i think. I won't laugh. I think it's a fine instrument that God made for the poor likes of us to enjoy.”
“Enjoy it, kid. Enjoy feeling that you can make a difference.' Floyd flashed him a smile. 'It won't last for ever.”
“There's a fine line between genius and insanity--and I enjoy trampling all over it.”
“But from now on let's try to be careful when we're around people I know. You won't sketch them and I won't Mace them. We'll just try to relax and get drunk.”
“The best is yet to come and won't that be fine.”