“E!" Klaus cried. "E as in Exit!" The Baudelaires ran down E as in Exit, but when they reached the lastcabinet, the row was becoming F as in Falling File Cabinets, G as in Go the Other Way! and H as in Howin the World Are We Going to Escape?”
“[H]e was damned if he was going to water down his arguments simply to satisfy the preference of the mob for dogma and ignorance.”
“be aggressive, BE-BE Aggressive! B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E”
“You think he left a big flashing arrow pointing to a filing cabinet labeled 'Evidence Here!'? He's a Stray, Ethan, not Wile E. Coyote!”
“Right then," Campbell began, his tone so civil it was offensive. "May I have your name for the record, Miss...?""Eliza Braun," Eliza sneered. "Here, I'll spell it for you -- B-U-G-G-E-R-O-F-F.”
“A, B, C, Č, Ć, D, Đ, DŽ, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,L, M, Ne ponašam se za pjesmu, NJ, O, P, R, S, Š, T, U, V, Z, ŽDa li da napišem pjesmu ili ne?”