“There are some people who believe that home is where one hangs one's hat, but these people tend to live in closets and on little pegs.”
“Christianity is a knowledge and not a faith based religious belief system. One must have a peg on which to hang ones hat-of-faith".”
“Hung herself in the closet.""Hanged," said Nate."Don't be one of those people.”
“People existed, however, who believed that closet racist were everywhere around them. They needed to believe this in order to have prupose and meaning in their lives, and to have someone to hate.”
“There are some people who live in a dream world, and some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.”
“Could it be that Americans are a restless people, a mobile people, never satisfied with where they are as a matter of selection? The pioneers, the immigrants who peopled the continent, were the restless ones in Europe. The steady rooted ones stayed home and are still there. But every one of us...are descended from the restless ones, the wayward ones who were not content to stay at home. Wouldn't it be unusual if we had not inherited this tendency? And the fact is that we have.”