“The Kingdom of God is Within You,”
“We urge you to do all within your talent and means to build the kingdom of God on Earth. Always strive to sustain, support and do what is best for the kingdom of God.”
“A kingdom journey removes scales from our eyes & allows us to see God all around us & even within.”
“Jesus said, 'The Kingdom of God is within' and 'I only say what I hear the Father saying and I only do what I see the Father doing'. Therefore, It is something we experience, articulate, and do. The Kingdom of God is already here but not yet fully realized.”
“Seek first the kingdom of heaven WITHIN, whereby lies an abundance of treasures and resources that you need”
“Participants in the kingdom of the world trust the power of the sword to control behavior; participants of the kingdom of God trust the power of self-sacrificial love to transform hearts. The kingdom of the world is concerned with preserving law and order by force; the kingdom of God is concerned with establishing the rule of God through love. The kingdom of the world is centrally concerned with what people do; the kingdom of God is centrally concerned with how people are and what they can become.The kingdom of the world is characterized by judgment; the kingdom of God is characterized by outrageous, even scandalous, grace.”