“You think that your laws correct evil - they only increase it. There is but one way to end evil - by rendering good for evil to all men without distinction.”
“A sword is only as good, or as evil, as its user. In good hands it defends the helpless and brings justice. In evil hands it leaves a swath of despair and suffering. The same goes for...laws--or anything, for that matter. Either good men use them for good, or evil men use them for evil, but they are not inherently good or evil in themselves."--Wenchel”
“Good laws left to the interpretation of evil men are no longer good.”
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”
“Only humans think death is evil. But it is nature. Evil exist's only in life. There is much good and evil alloted to each life.”
“Sometimes good and evil aren't so much opposites as two sides of a coin. You toss it one way and it looks good, another way and it's evil, sometimes it just depends on which end of the gun you're on.”