“Tell me, have you done much circus work in your life?' [asked Mulder].Nutt drew himself up to his full height. 'And what makes you think I've ever even gone to a circus, let alone been a slave in one?' he demanded...Finally Mulder managed to say, 'I didn't mean any offense.''Offended? Why should I be offended?' Nutt demanded. 'It's human nature to make quick judgements of people based only on their looks. Why, I have done the same thing to you.''Have you?' said Mulder. 'And what have you concluded?''I have taken in your all-American face, your unsmiling expression, your boring necktie. I have decided you work for the government,' Nutt said. 'You are- an FBI agent.''Am I really?' Mulder said.'I hope you get my point,' Nutt said. 'I want to show how stupid it would be to look at you as a type, rather than as an individual.''But I am an FBI agent,' Mulder said, showing Nutt his badge.There was a loud silence.Then Nutt said, 'Sign the book please.”

Les Martin

Les Martin - “Tell me, have you done much circus work in...” 1

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