“We see with our hearts. Our eyes are simple catalysts that carry images. Our eyes capture flowers and out heart knows serenity. Our eyes capture a child at play and our heart knows joy. They capture beauty and we know love. They capture war and we are acquainted with mortality. My eyes captured hatred and suffering, and my heart knew sorrow. They captured death and destruction and my heart knew fear.”
“It's beauty that captures your attention, personality which captures your heart...”
“Love always precedes repentance. Divine love is a catalyst for our turning, our healing. Where fear & threat may gain our compliance, love captures our heart. It changes the heavy burden of the "have-to's" of imposed obedience to the "get-to's", a joyful response to the genuine love of God. It is in the security of this love we find Sabbath (rest).”
“Music is a rainbow that captures our sorrows.”
“Eyes can only capture objects that already seen in mind.And mind can only see things that already written in heart.”
“We see with our eyes. We know with our hearts. Outside...Inside.”