“On Drinking Alone by Moonlight Here are flowers and here is wine,But where’s a friend with me to joinHand in hand and heart to heartIn one full cup before we part?Rather than to drink alone,I’ll make bold to ask the moonTo condescend to lend her faceThe hour and the scene to grace.Lo, she answers, and she bringsMy shadow on her silver wings;That makes three, and we shall be.I ween, a merry companyThe modest moon declines the cup,But shadow promptly takes it up,And when I dance my shadow fleetKeeps measure with my flying feet.But though the moon declines to tippleShe dances in yon shining ripple,And when I sing, my festive song,The echoes of the moon prolong.Say, when shall we next meet together?Surely not in cloudy weather,For you my boon companions dearCome only when the sky is clear.”

Li Po

Li Po - “On Drinking Alone by Moonlight  Here are...” 1

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