“No? Part girl, part wolf? Do they lick their butter knives?”
“He was warm, partly because he had on many layers, and partly because boys whoa re part wolf and part wind do not get cold.”
“Through nature, through the evolutionary continuum, and ecological relatedness and interdependence of all things, we are as much a part of the wolf as the wolf is a part of us. And as we destroy or demean nature, wolves, or any creature, great or small, we do no less to ourselves.”
“One might think that a boy who was out in the snow for so long would get cold, but Max was not. He was warm, partly because he had on many layers, and partly because boys who are part wolf and part wind do not get cold.”
“Fading light buttered the ridges until shadows licked them clean and they were lost to nightfall.”
“yeah. It's amazing. And when I'm not so damn hard I want to explode, I'm going to lick it all over. But right now there are other parts of you I want to lick”