“I'm a lost sheep in a field of worry.”
“Once Arden said, "Why is it that one sheep is called a sheep and multiple sheep are also called sheep? It should be shoop and sheep. Like, 'Oh, look, there goes a shoop,' and 'Wow, there goes a lot of sheep'."--The Fire Stone”
“I'm the king of the 20th century. I'm the boogeyman, the villian, the black sheep of the family.”
“Twas a sheep not a lamb that strayed awayIn the parable Jesus told,A grown-up sheep that strayed awayFrom the ninety and nine in the fold.And why for the sheep should we seekAnd earnestly hope and pray?Because there is danger when sheep go wrong;They lead the lambs astray.Lambs will follow the sheep, you know,Wherever the sheep may stray.When sheep go wrong, it won’t take longTil the lambs are as wrong as they.And so with the sheep we earnestly pleadFor the sake of the lambs today,For when sheep are lost, what a terrible costThe lambs will have to pay!”
“Me? I'm the king of the twentieth century. I'm the bogeyman. The villain...The black sheep of the family.”