“Lie when it's about u from inside, Heart is a deep ocean of secrets, Be explicit and u shall be a slave, conceal them and u shall die 100 times a day, so what to do?! nothing, but such is life”
“when life gives u a kick,stand tall and walk it off,cos the only person holding u bk is urself,believe and u shall achieve.”
“Sometimes life is not about what u want to do but what u ought to do”
“no matter how u run away, no matter how can u pretend, no matter how scared u are there is gona be the sense u have missed something, fallen heart feeling u mixed with in the moments u should live, u will get used to that feeling, believe me when i tell u, this is crazy, some day ur life will be sou r just warming up”
“A day will come when everything in my life will be changed, when I shall do good to others, when some one will love me, when I shall give my whole heart to the man whi gives ne his; neanwhile, U will suffer in silence and keep my love as a reward for him who shall set me free.”
“I do what I do and u do Wat u can do about it”