“Anything for you, Dru. And I mean it. Now, be quiet and let me concentrate.”
“If I need a reason now, Dru, it will have to be you.”
“It's woman's power, food is. You be sure you know where'n the hook is before swallerin' it, Dru. You mind me, now.”
“Anything I tell you is an alibi for something else."Then let's be quiet together.”
“I use the words you taught me. If they don't mean anything any more, teach me others. Or let me be silent.”
“But for now let me say I love youLater on there'll be time for so much moreBut for now meaning now and foreverLet me kiss you my darling then once moreOnce moreBut for now let me say I love youLater on I must know much more of youBut for now here and now how I love youAs you are in my arms I love youI love youI love you”