“When two people meet, each one is changed by the other so you've got two new people.”
“It’s the great temptation for small groups of people to slide into a state where they’re not quite telling each other the truth and they’re not quite celebrating each other. Instead, they tolerate each other, they accommodate each other, and they settle for sitting on the unspoken matters that separate them.”
“Things change, people change, but that doesn't mean you should forget the past.”
“I'd tell you to be careful, except for two things. One, it wouldn't do any good anyhow. And two, I think we tell each other that too much. Be careful. Don't get hurt. Don't take changes. Don't try anything. Don't feel. Might as well be telling each other not to be alive at all. Boils down to the same thing.”
“Lahiri's characters, just like people all around us, are constantly telling each other important things, but not necessarily in words.”