“Always remember, no matter how many problems you have, there is always someone who has more”
“The problem with having problems is that ‘someone’ always has it worse.”
“Just be you-strong and honest. The rest falls into place if you do that. It always has. It always will. Remember that. No matter what happens over the . . . centuries ahead of you, remember to be honest with yourself. And if you fail, forgive yourself. You'll make mistakes. The whole world is new, and they have so many more years in the then you.”
“no matter how big you think your problems are, someone else's problems could always be bigger, which makes yours relatively small!”
“Money was a problem. Money was always a problem no matter how many bones he crushed or how much blood he let or dues he paid. The fucking rent was always due.”
“It doesn't matter how much of an asshole you are, there was always someone who thought you were cool.”