“The song is languid and speaks of love and loneliness and loss. Why does love seem to go with the sad things?”
“A song nobody likes is a sad thing. But a love song nobody likes is hardly a thing at all.”
“But the more people we love and the more deeply we love them, the more vulnerable we are to loss and grief and loneliness.”
“bye-bye love, as in songs. All alone now. It was so sad. Why did such things have to disintegrate like that? Why did longing and desire, and friendliness and goodwill too, have to shatter into pieces? Why did they have to be so thoroughfully over?I could make myself cry even more by repeating the key word: love,alone, sad, over. I did it on purpose.”
“Why is the measure of love loss?”
“Every sad thing, every loss or hurt really a challenge to love that much more, really just another of beauty's many strongholds.”