“Has she accepted you?""Not yet.She wants to discuss it with you first.""Thank God.Because I'll tell her that it's the worst idea I've ever heard."Leo arched a brow."You doubt I could protect her?""I doubt you could keep from murdering each other!I doubt she could ever be happy in such volatile circumstances.I doubt...no,I won't bother listing all my concerns,it would take too bloody long." Harry's eyes were ice-cold. "The answer is no,Ramsay.I'll do what is necessary to take care of Cat.You can return to Hampshire.""I'm afraid it won't be that easy to get rid of me," Leo said."Perhaps you didn't notice that I haven't asked for your permission.There is no choice.Certain things have happened that can't be undone.Do you understand?"He saw from Harry's expression that only a few fragile constraints stood between him and certain death."You seduced her deliberately," Harry managed to say."Would you be happier if I claimed it was an accident?""The only thing that would make me happy is to weight you with rocks and toss you into the Thames.""I understand.I even sympathize.I can't imagine what it would be like to face a man who's compromised your sister,how difficult it would be to keep from murdering him on the spot.Oh, but wait.." Leo tapped a forefinger thoughtfully on his chin. "I can imagine.Because I went through it two bloody months ago."Harry's eyes narrowed."That wasn't the same.Your sister was still a virgin when I married her."Leo gave him an unrepenting glance. "When I compromise a woman,I do it properly.""That does it," Harry muttered, leaping for his throat.”

Lisa Kleypas

Lisa Kleypas - “Has she accepted you?""Not yet.She wants...” 1

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