“Of all the Hathaway sisters,” Cam said equably, “Beatrix is the one most suited to choose her own husband. I trust her judgment.”Beatrix gave him a brilliant smile. “Thank you, Cam.”“What are you thinking?” Leo demanded of his brother-in-law. “You can’t trust Beatrix’s judgment.”“Why not?”“She’s too young,” Leo said.“I’m twenty-three,” Beatrix protested. “In dog years I’d be dead.”

Lisa Kleypas

Lisa Kleypas - “Of all the Hathaway sisters,” Cam said...” 1

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“Beatrix puts a distance between herself and the rest of the world. She’s very engaging, but also quite private in nature. I see the same qualities in Captain Phelan.”“Yes,” Amelia said. “You’re absolutely right, Catherine. Put that way, the match does seem more appropriate.”“I still have reservations,” Leo said.“You always do,” Amelia replied. “If you’ll recall, you objected to Cam in the beginning, but now you’ve accepted him.”“That’s because the more brothers-in-law I acquire,” Leo said, “the better Cam looks by comparison.”

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“There was some kind of commotion going on in the suite, which shouldn't have been a surprise considering it was his family's suite. The air was filled with cursing, exclamations, and grunts of physical combat."Leo?" Beatrix appeared from the main receiving room and hurried over to them."Beatrix, darling!" Leo was amazed by the difference the past two and a half years had made in his youngest sister. "How you've grown--""Yes, never mind that," she said impatiently, snatching the ferret from him. "Go in there and help Mr. Rohan!""Help him with what?""He's trying to stop Merripen from killing Dr. Harrow.""Already?" Leo asked blankly, and rushed into the receiving room.”

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“With all due respect," Christopher muttered, "this conversation is leading nowhere. At least one of you should point out that Beatrix deserves a better man.""That's what I said about my wife," Leo remarked. "Which is why I married her before she could find one.”

Lisa Kleypas
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