“Somehow I knew that no matter what I chose to tell or to keep secret, he would understand.”
“Tell me, how do get away from your own self?” she questioned. I knew what she meant with a sickening realization. They knew what I was. Somehow, they had found out my only secret.”
“A blanket could be used in a secretive manner. What? I can’t just tell you how it could be used. What part of secretive don’t you understand? ”
“A brick could be used in a manner most secret. But Shh! I can't tell you. What part about secret don't you understand? ”
“I felt like telling Japhy everything I thought but I knew it didn't matter and moreover he knew it anyway and silence is the golden mountain.”
“When would I learn the secret of happy, contented teamwork? Why did I always want to be the last link? If I would love the Lord with all my mind, I had to give Him all that I thought I knew or could do, and be willing for Him to place me anywhere within the team to do any job He chose for me. Only then would I exprience true peace of mind.”