“Likewise, I would never be so rude as to not interrupt a friend. How else would she know I was listening?”
“She warned me about Mr. Herondale, though, said he’d likely be rude to me, and familiar. She said I could be rude right back, that nobody would mind.”“Someone ought to be rude to him. He’s rude enough to everyone else.”
“Maybe it's a training exercise," Skye suggested, ignoring her friend's rudeness. "I wouldn't mind a little training with him. The personal kind, know what I mean?"It would be hard not to know what she meant.”
“As Miss Golightly was saying, before she was so rudely interrupted...”
“She would defend herself, saying that love, no matter what else it might be, was a natural talent. She would say: You are either born knowing how, or you never know.”
“What were we talking before I was so rudely interrupted by a flying citrus ?”