“You wearing a thigh sheath?”“Now what would be the sense of wearing just one? I have two thighs.”
“What's amazing to me now is that I actually recall fixating on the fact that my thighs a-l-m-o-s-t touched at the top....If I could go back in time and slap my eighteen-year-old self, I would. I would tell her to snap out of it, because that's the best you thighs will ever be. You should take pictures of your thighs right now so you can remember how amazing they were!”
“I could give you a thiught sheath to put that in,"Isabelle offered. "I got tons.""CERTAINLY NOT," said Simon.Clary shot him an irritated look. "Thanks, but I'm not really a thigh sheath kind of girl,"-pg. 214”
“The way I’d put it,” said Makin, “is that Rike can’t make an omelet without wading thigh deep in the blood of chickens and wearing their entrails as a necklace.”
“If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?”
“Salim,' She said, as if he were in the room. 'I'll have your guts for garters.' I has never heard this before and wondered what garters were. Kat told me later that they are what women used to wear around their thighs to keep their stockings up and they were elasticated. I do not think guts would be a tidy way of doing this.”