“Gary didn't get up until 11:30, but I managed to squeeze ten minutes alone with him in the kitchen before Chris drove me home. Asked him how things had gone with Samantha.'Not entirely successful.''Told you so.''Might have been better if I hadn't spotted the open balcony door and decided to climb up and sneak in.''You idiot Gary. Bet Samantha freaked out.''Actually, no, she didn't. But the girl whose flat I broke into did. Those balconies all look the same you know.''Oh my God.''Yeah she made quite a fuss. Wouldn't let me explain- just ran out screaming and called the police. Thank God Samantha was next door and heard her. She managed to convince the girl I wasn't a vampire or pervert prowler but an upright citizen who'd made an honest mistake.''Idiot, you mean.'Gary grinned. 'She may have used that term.”

Liz Rettig

Liz Rettig - “Gary didn't get up until 11:30, but I...” 1

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