“It must be quite a shock to suddenly find out you're pregnant, seventeen times over—at your age, too.”
“You find that you have lot of time on your hands when you suddenly are not drinking because you are pregnant.”
“Maybe your pregnant. Oops, hold on, you're not pregnant, on account of you're not gettin any.”
“Those days when our watch sees to take lazy age over each minute, and there is always so much time left, so little passed, since the last time you looked. And then at the end, when you're suddenly nervous and want to back out, the time goes in a rush and it's now.”
“Any chance that you're pregnant?' the technician says as he pulls the X-ray lamp over my swollen knee.'No,' Henry and Dad say at the same time.”
“You're peculiar, you're aggravating, yet you're easy to forgive. You say you're seventeen?..How odd. How strange. And my wife thirty and yet you seem so much older at times. I can't get over it.”