“If we can’t wake up to the fact that deep down inside we are good, then we deserve to remain asleep dreaming we are evil.”
“We are asleep. Our Life is a dream. But we wake up sometimes, just enough to know that we are dreaming.”
“Something deep inside each one of us seeks to prove we are good enough--to our parents, our friends, ourselves, God. We do this because we know deep down that we aren't good enough, and the illusion of feeling like good people feels better than the reality of knowing we are not.”
“There are dreams which belong only partly in the unconscious; these are the dreams we remember on waking so vividly that we deliberately continue them, and so fall asleep again and wake and sleep and the dream goes on without interruption, with a thread of logic the pure dream doesn't possess.”
“We fall asleep on words / we wake among words”
“We men dream dreams, we work magic, we do good, we do evil. The dragons do not dream. They are dreams. They do not work magic: it is their substance, their being. They do not do; they are.”