“Oh, dear God, you have given abundant blessings. I do not deserve them, and I cannot help but ask for more.”
“Just because God is God, just because Christ is Christ, they cannot do other than care for us and bless us and help us if we will but come unto them, approaching their throne of grace in meekness and lowliness of heart. They can’t help but bless us. They have to. It is their nature.”
“I think God's blessing might have everything to do with Him and His riches, and nothing to do with whether we deserve it.”
“Oh, dear--did I forget to mention that you can, indeed, have it all, but you need a lot of help!”
“I am content; that is a blessing greater than riches; and he to whom that is given need ask no more.”
“I have often been asked to help pray in life and death situations, especially when loved ones cannot. It is hard to know how to ask for divine help. I cannot possibly know what should be done. I cannot even pray, "God, make this person live." What I can do is pray that whatever is in the divine plan should happen with grace and with ease.”