“Our bodies are more than just a vehicle for our minds. They are the inspiration!”
“We sink too easily into stupid and overfed sensuality, our bodies thickening even more quickly than our minds.”
“There's not some finite amount of pain inside us. Our bodies and minds just keep manufacturing more of it.”
“The moon changes each night but she does so in an understandable rhythm. And just as the tides ebb and flow and the moon waxes and wanes, our bodies’ hormones ebb and flow and our energies wax and wane. Our bodies are more like the rivers than like the rocks, more like the oceans than like machines. The more we can respect the cycles and changes and needs of our bodies, the more we can move with the flow of our lives.In other words, swear by the moon. Or, trust your body.”
“The bounds of our past hold no restrictions on our minds, other than those imposed by our minds" ~ Alex Just”
“It is critically important that as we age and our bodies become less flexible our minds become more so.”