“In my world travels, I saw a good many varieties of butterflies. They’re incredibly delicate creatures, but they shouldn’t be underestimated. Observing them as I did, I learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes if you surround a butterfly too closely, it couldn’t fly if it wanted to.”
“When I think of Simone now, I think of butterfly wings. Beautiful and excruciatingly delicate. Touch them once and they might disintegrate.”
“I should tolerate the closeness of 2-3 caterpillars, if I want to get to know butterflies”
“Sometimes the butterflies were there just to make you queasy; sometimes the butterflies were there to let you know that something good was on its way”
“I, too, have made many mistakes, but one valuable lesson that I have learned is that we cannot allow our mistakes to become our identity.”
“How does one become a butterfly? They have to want to learn to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”