“Inside, the doctor filled an eyedropper with goat milk and began to drip it into the back of the marten's throat. It filled him with immense medical satisfaction when eventually it urinated on the knee of his trousers. This indicated healthy renal functioning.”
“No principle ever filled anybody's milk bottle”
“…He kissed me so slowly with an open mouth and every single thing in my body - my skin, my collarbone, the hollow backs of my knees, everything inside of me filled up with light.”
“Though the doctors treated him, let his blood, and gave him medications to drink, he nevertheless recovered.”
“Despair filled his skull even more tightly than his own brain. All around him cars filled with normal people perfectly unaware of the disease turning Perry's body inside out. Fucking normal people.”
“He pleaded so much that he lost his voice. His bones began to fill with words.”