“But you want murderous feelings? Hang around librarians," confided Gamache. "All that silence. Gives them ideas.”
“Why don't I just give you a pair of my panties to hang around your neck? Then whenever you feel jealous, you can wave them at whoever's pissing you off.”
“I don't want them hanging a double murder on me. It wouldn't look good on my school record.”
“Silence hung around the corners, draped like spider webs across all surfaces and hanging like smog in the air.”
“Personally, I felt pretty safe. Librarians are like priests. You can tell them you want information on just about any subject and they never look at you weird. It's like a rule or something. I figured even in a small town like this, my question wouldn't be the strangest one the librarian had heard. I didn't know if librarians had any sort of official privacy code, but I was counting on confidence. They're not big talkers. It comes from being forced to be quiet all the time.”
“Believe in human beings - not all are good, but deep down all can be. But that doesn't mean you need to hang around crappy people and try to turn them around.”