“Still, despite the satisfaction of their surface lives, Cora Grovians share in full measure the pain that is the basis of all human misery: the fact that we can never be as important to anyone else as we are to ourselves.There simply is never enough love.”
“Despite all their fears, we ask very little of the ones who never loved us. We do not ask for sympathy or pain or compassion. We simply want to know why.”
“We all wish to protect our loved ones from pain. But part of loving is sharing....Sharing hopes and fears, pain and loss, bodies and minds. Why else love?”
“There are never words for the strongest of our feelings. There is just the pain that we cannot share. Pain we must all feel alone.”
“The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough of is love.”
“And it is a fact an absolute fact that there are creatures on the surface of this earth that have never been studied by man . . . There are other worls - worlds within this world - that we can only begin to imagine. We may think we have seen all that there is to be seen on this tiny planet of ours. We most certainly have not - and perhaps never shall.”