“If u were a friend then u would bail me out of jail, but if u were a BEST friend u would be sitting there saying dame lets do that again!!”
“A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'!”
“If u think u can u mayif u think u can't u r right”
“hi I hope u want to be my friends”
“Stridey-Man' asked, Want 2 vacay w/me?William snorted as he typed. Romantic getaway for 2? UR not my type, dickwad.Fuck U. i'm everybody's types. So U in or out?Last chance in or out?InKnew U couldn't resist me. B ready in 5.Right on. Make it 10. I want 2 style my hair for U. U know, just how U like it.ASSHOLE.”
“no matter how u run away, no matter how can u pretend, no matter how scared u are there is gona be the sense u have missed something, fallen heart feeling u mixed with in the moments u should live, u will get used to that feeling, believe me when i tell u, this is crazy, some day ur life will be sou r just warming up”