“Sir, how many ghosts will be living here? Really, this isn’t a graveyard.”Harriet from To Love A London Ghost”
“The popular notion that ghosts are likely to be seen in a graveyard is not borne out by psychical research... A haunting ghost usually haunts a place that a person lived in or frequented while alive... Only a gravedigger's ghost would be likely to haunt a graveyard.”
“Graveyards were the one place Belladonna never saw ghosts.”
“Soon or late, every dog's master's memory becomes a graveyard; peopled by wistful little furry ghosts that creep back unbidden, at times, to a semblance of their olden lives.”
“Of all ghosts the ghosts of our old loves are the worst.”
“But there is no such thing, sir, as a ghost, and I guess the laws of Nature are not going to be suspended for the British aristocracy”