“Among the Dagara, darkness is sacred. It is forbidden to illuminate it, for light scares the Spirit away…. The one exception to this rule is the bonfire.”
“No my friend, darkness is not everywhere, for here and there I find faces illuminated from within; paper lanterns among the dark trees.”
“Wealth (among the Dagara) is determined not by how many things you have, but by how many people you have around you.”
“When the invocation descends into the heart, if there is darkness within, it illuminates it; and if there is already light, the invocation increases the light and intensifies it.”
“The dark and the light, they exist side by side,Sometimes overlapping, one explaining the other.The darkened path is as illuminated as the lightened,Only the fear of the dark keeps us from seeing our way.”
“In a world where there were no specifically mental facts, is it not plain that there would be a complete impartiality, an evenly diffused light, not the central illumination fading away into outer darkness, which is characteristic of objects in relation to a mind?”