“Toreth?" Warrick asked softly.He kept still, breathing slightly irregularly, until finally Warrick climbed into bed beside him. Then it was simply a question of timing the movement right so that they met in the middle, accidentally, and Warrick's arm slipped accidentally round him.Why, he wondered sleepily, did he still bother pretending?”
“Tyrant will eat whatever the fuck is available.”
“One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it-- it was the black kitten's fault entirely.”
“You've got to face facts and the fact is life is a joke, a fucking bad joke, or, no, a bad fucking joke. There's no point taking it seriously because whatever happens, and I mean whatever the fuck, the punch line is the same: you go out horizontally. You see the point? No fucking point.”
“Whatever debases the intelligence degrades the entire human being.”